The benefit of sending my note off to external review last Friday meant that I was able to extend my bank holiday weekend and take Tuesday off too. I had a great 4 days: played basketball with some friends from Oxford on Saturday; ran the BUPA 10k (with the elites!!) and then made the most of the sunshine in Kew gardens on Sunday; got soaked on a 15-puncture day cycle to Brighton on Monday and was a lady of leisure brunching, shopping and having afternoon tea on Tuesday.

I came in to some e-mails from my external reviewers. So far, all very positive and not recommending any major changes which is great!
I then had an interesting meeting with the Physical Science team discussing possible future POSTnote topics. Last week I had had a look myself at what I thought might be interesting, and it was good to see there was some overlap. Before a topic becomes a note, it is put forward to the board in meetings that are held quarterly. It is put forward in the form of a one page scope detailing the relevance, timeliness and parliamentary activity surrounding an issue. Before this is written, a lot more topics are considered and some "pre-scoping" is done to see if a subject has the potential to be an interesting and relevant note. As I have some time left before I finish, I am going to have a go at doing some pre-scoping for some of the physical science topics. This should be really interesting as it gives me an opportunity to look into some more interesting research in a completely different area to what I am used to.
Today I carried on scoping out for some possible new topics. A varied day reading about space, diversity in STEM, basic IT skills and biometrics! We met as the physical sciences team to discuss what we had found and which notes we thought could be interesting and topical to expand into notes.
An evening of preparation for my race on Sunday with a sports massage for me and a service for my bike!
I spent the morning working from home in London before heading back up to Birmingham to meet with my research group and discuss a paper I am writing with my supervisor. It was a useful meeting, although meant that it gave me lots to do! Because of this, I spent all of Saturday at my desk in Birmingham making changes and new figures.
Today I carried on scoping out for some possible new topics. A varied day reading about space, diversity in STEM, basic IT skills and biometrics! We met as the physical sciences team to discuss what we had found and which notes we thought could be interesting and topical to expand into notes.
An evening of preparation for my race on Sunday with a sports massage for me and a service for my bike!
I spent the morning working from home in London before heading back up to Birmingham to meet with my research group and discuss a paper I am writing with my supervisor. It was a useful meeting, although meant that it gave me lots to do! Because of this, I spent all of Saturday at my desk in Birmingham making changes and new figures.
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